Legal Statement

1. 免责声明:

我们在编辑本网站内容时非常审慎。尽管已谨慎管理内容,但对于本网站所载信息 的时事性、准确性或完整性,及对于能否随时不受阻碍地访问该等信息,我们概不 承担任何责任。这些网页构成我们提供的不具有约束力的信息介绍,相关信息可随 时不经事先通知而予以修订、增补或删除。这亦适用于所有可供下载的内容。
We have taken great care in compiling the content of this website. Although care has been taken in the management of the content, we have no control over the topicality, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this website, or over the ability of the information to be free from error at any time. We do not accept any liability for obstructing access to such information. This website constitutes a non-binding presentation of information provided by us, which is subject to change, additions or deletions at any time and without prior notice. This also applies to all content available for download.

2. 外部链接免责声明:
External Link Disclaimer:

对于任何被提述的站外网页的可用性或内容,我们概不承担任何责任。这适用于建 立链接时已存在的内容,亦适用于外部互联网页的任何后续变更。我们明确表明, 建立链接时未发现被链接网页存在非法内容。
We do not accept any responsibility for the availability or content of any off-site pages referred to. This applies to the content existing at the time of linking as well as to any subsequent changes to the external Internet pages. We expressly state that no illegal content was found on the linked pages at the time of linking.

3. 满意质量及保证免责声明:
Satisfactory quality and warranty disclaimer:

在任何情况下,该等互联网页所载信息均不得被解释为承诺满足产品或服务的质 量,亦不构成我们任何类型的明示或默示保证。该等信息可随时不经事先通知而予 以修订、增补或删除。
Under no circumstances shall the information contained in these Internet pages be construed as an acknowledgement of satisfactory quality of products or services, nor shall they constitute our warranties of any kind, express or implied. Such information may be amended, supplemented or deleted at any time without prior notice.

4. 隐私政策
Privacy Policy

我们尊重您的隐私,且致力于保护您的隐私权。我们将遵守所有中华人民共和国数 据保护相关的法律法规,并将按我们不时更新的数据隐私政策收集、保护、处理您 的数据信息。
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your privacy. We will comply with all laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China relating to data protection, and will follow our Data Privacy Policy as updated from time to time. Collecting, protecting and processing your data information.

5. 知识产权
Intellectual Property

我们拥有本网站上所有文字、图像、声音文件、动画文件、视频文件及其他资料的 版权及知识产权,或已得到权利人的合适的许可。未经我们和/或相关权利人书面 许可,任何人不得复制、传播、以电子或磁性介质存储、转发、邮寄、修改或将这 些资料用于商业用途或私自传播,亦不可修改或在我们的服务器上做镜像。
We own the copyright and intellectual property rights of, or have obtained proper license from the right owners of all text, images, sounds, animations, videos and other materials on this website. Without the written permission from us and/or the relevant right owner, no one may copy, distribute, store in electronic or magnetic media, forward, mail, modify or transfer these. The information may not be used for commercial purposes or for private distribution, nor may it be modified or mirrored on our servers.

6. 使用限制
Restrictions on use

禁止违反法律规定或侵犯第三方合法权利的任何使用行为。如有侵权,我们保留禁 止用户访问网页或追究用户法律责任的权利。
Any use that is contrary to the law or infringes the legal rights of third parties is prohibited. In the event of infringement, we reserve the right to prohibit access to the site or to prosecute the user for legal liability.

7. 适用的法律和管辖权
Applicable law and jurisdiction

此条款及条件受中华人民共和国法律管辖。本条款引起的或与其相关的任何纠纷应 提交我们所在地的中华人民共和国法院诉讼解决。
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be submitted to the courts of the People's Republic of China where we are located for resolution.

Contact us

You may contact us with a suggestion or inquiry at the following contacts:

Dichtomatik (China) Co.,Ltd.

联系人: 销售与市场部
Attn.: Sales and Marketing Department

地址: 上海市申霞路314号(201818)
Addr.: No.314, Shenxia Road, 201818 Shanghai

电话: (021) 6082 2178
Tel: (021) 60822178

Email: fpscn@fst.com
电子邮箱 : fpscn@fst.com